Workshop: Christ-Centered Preaching - What's the Fuss?

February 29, 2020 Speaker: Julius Kim Series: Testify: Bearing Witness to Christ in the Present Age (2020 Bay Area Conference)

Preaching is an essential means to the mission of God. At it’s best, expository preaching represents God’s redemptive context. If Jesus is the center of our faith, he must be the center of our preaching. This workshop will discuss the importance of Christ-centered preaching, how it’s not merely forcing Jesus into a text, and how the gospel must not only be part of our sermon but shape the whole sermon. While this workshop addresses those who preach, it’s for all who want to deepen their understanding of the centrality of Christ in Scripture.


More in Testify: Bearing Witness to Christ in the Present Age (2020 Bay Area Conference)

February 29, 2020

Plenary 1: Confidence & Witness

February 29, 2020

Plenary 2: Unity & Witness

February 29, 2020

Plenary 3: Wisdom & Witness